May 17th, 2010. The armored divisions had just returned home from a hard fought road campaign when news of an incoming, unidentified airborne attack began to propagate over the communication networks. The galvanized Darger forces had no time for formalities, fact checking , or Florence Nightingale, and hastily set up a make-shift, anti-ballistic shield- for an astronomical number of super-sonic, stratospheric, surface-to-surface missiles were heading directly towards Traffic Town! General Glory sent the happy-go-lucky, young buck, No.48, to stave off any enemy ground intrusion, and directed the big guns to ward off the outer-space invasion.
The new recruit was cool under fire while he continued to keep his galactic opponents off balance and unable to mount a significant charge. He is quietly rising in the ranks of the Darger rifler corps as he came away with another victory. On the offensive side of the attack, No.23 and No.33 shot down the enemy rocketry with direct hits. Any other information regarding the operational status of the Space weapons program is classified. The Dargers are proving to be a competitive group, fighting in an arena routinely exposed to the evolving complexities of an industrious military operation.
W is for Man in the Moonpie.
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