June 1st, 2010. For the second day, the ongoing conflict between the transverse, desert armies turned heated, with neither side able to account for any amount of strategic headway. Both of the professional forces wrestled for control of the field with fluid and coordinated mobilization. The Darger Command ordered No.48, backed by a full regiment of career soldiers, to wreck havoc on the determined, diamondbacked insurgents .
The young, go-getter matched battlefield bravado with his veteran war adversary at every turn on Tuesday; not allowing a single enemy combatant to cross the 38th parallel. The ineffectiveness of the Darger cannons allowed the battle to extend beyond the usual timeline of contention, setting up yet another dramatic finish.
The stage was set for the signature saving graces of the just recently re-deployed No.16, but the heroics belonged to Number 27 when he preemptively delivered a single, devastating cruise missile deep into the cold, coiled, heart of the Arizona defenses.
W is for Wario
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